Bolt Insight | Vodafone
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As a real-time customer identity technology platform, we help businesses to “sit next to” their customers and co-create in real-time – using both qualitative and quantitative insight. Our system can reach more than 4 billion mobile or desktop users through the applications we use every day. Connected programmatically, we invite survey participants via social media apps, news websites, blogs, and utility and gaming apps.


Vodafone – one of the leading technology communications companies in Europe – wanted to leverage our proprietary market research solution to help optimise their messaging for an upcoming home broadband campaign.


We collaborated with Vodafone on the project – collecting feedback from 1,000 UK based Vodafone home broadband customers – and provided the key findings and insights that would help align with customer needs and priorities and define campaign focus for the launch.



About Vodafone


Vodafone is a British multinational telecommunications company, and one Europe and Africa’s leading telecommunications providers. Operating in 22 countries, they also provide IT services and telecoms services to corporate clients worldwide.



Research Challenge


As part of their ongoing commitment to better understand and listen to their customers, Vodafone wanted to gain insight into customer preferences and priorities regarding home broadband services and products.


Vodafone approached Bolt to leverage their agile research methodology and help optimise the messaging for their new home broadband campaign – based on direct customer feedback gathered through the research study.


Research Objectives

Understanding Customer Preferences and Priorities

The research aimed to assess customer reaction to three different home broadband concepts and claims, to understand which messaging resonated most with Vodafone customers.

The study would also give direct insight into which specific features and services mattered most to consumers when choosing a broadband provider, based on benchmarking reactions to a list of predefined services.


Approach and Solution

Through precision targeting, we interviewed UK Vodafone customers who were home broadband decision makers.

We designed a mobile survey with 15 questions including screening and current provider profiling, concept evaluations, and MaxDiff analysis of 11 predefined statements to benchmark consumer priorities for home broadband services.

Bolt collected survey responses from a total of 1000 UK consumers in 5 days.


Research Findings

Clear signal on concept Performance and Consumer Priorities

The Research provided detailed insight into UK home broadband customer preferences and priorities regarding specific service features, with a MaxDiff analysis ranking a set of predetermined statements by most to least important for consumers.

The study also gave Vodafone signal on which of 3 distinct campaign messages and statements were most preferred by their mobile customers.


Outcome and Business Impact

Actionable insights to optimise campaign messaging

The findings provided Vodafone with direct customer feedback on which claim regarding home broadband resonated best with their existing customers, enabling them to optimise their messaging for current and future customers as part of their home broadband campaign

Additionally, Vodafone came away armed with precision insight into customer preferences and priorities regarding multiple broadband services and features, enabling them to prioritise campaign focus accordingly.

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